12 images
The mind is quite a labyrinth, much like the night- a journey into the depths of which these images attempt to dig deep. When suddenly faced with a vast, dark and intrinsically violent world along with the godforsaken challenge of trying to find one’s place in it, questions of identity followed by its variety of whys, whos, whats and hows find a resounding parallel in the night. A lost mind, a curious mind and most importantly a fearful mind juxtaposes itself with the ways of the night- it’s shrieking silences, it’s blurring madness, it’s anxious scare, it’s haunting concealing and sometimes the most hair-raising of it all- it’s reverberatingly conscious stillness.
Questioning order, stability, organisation, singularity or in fewer words this entire self that we’ve built up via the collective, through a clever play of light and dark, shadows and silhouettes, nature and culture, meaning is sought to be found. In the raw, on the streets, via a certain quest through haphazardness, over and above the ‘senses’, under and into the construction of reality, the images ache to etch the journey of a self which is ripping itself apart with every click.
Turning Descartes’ ‘I think therefore I am’ right over its head, the images reiterate why one ‘un-thinks and therefore is’. With focus on the instinctual, the pleasurable, the nonsensical, the entire meaning making process is questioned. By running in circles away from, and also in search of, meaning, identity and the very root of the self, a spiralling sense of sinking, only to be found at the bottom of it all, is created. The sum and substance of the labyrinth project, I believe, is to form that ‘I’ whose processes of formation are these images themselves and in search for whom are these very images themselves. It’s the loop that entraps, engulfs and somehow in the process of it all itself becomes the loop.
Text by
Joyona Medhi